Welcome to 2015: The Choice is Yours

medium_10705151813I know I am four days late but nevertheless, let me welcome you to 2015. I imagine some of you are looking forward to 2015 with excitement because of the potential you believe it holds for you. Others of you are not excited about 2015 because the outlook does not look positive.

Whether you are excited or anxious, let me share some things you can do that will help make 2015 a wonderful and fulfilling year.

First, understand that you have the power to choose. This is a God-given power that even God will not override. That makes you the most powerful actor in your life.

We often seem to forget we have that power. Too many of us allow others to choose for us and live as if we have no control over the choices we make.

Unless someone is holding you against your will and forcing you to do what you do not want to do, you have the power to choose. That said, as you look toward what is in store for 2015, let me remind you:

Choose to put God first. I know this sounds like another cliché, and in some ways it is. But what I am challenging you to do is to make your choices during 2015 by applying the following question to your choices: “How is this choice I am about to make honoring to God?” Applying this question does not guarantee a trouble free 2015. As a matter of fact in some cases, it may make your life more difficult. But ultimately honoring God is what matters most.

Choose your friends. Choose friends who will help you become a better person. Choose friends who will challenge you to grow and stretch in the pursuits of life. These will be people who share mutual concerns for life and its challenges. Choose friends who are honest with you, support you, and hold you accountable.

I have a number of friends like these in my life and know without a shadow of a doubt God has used them to make me into the man I am and will become. I meet with these friends weekly to give account for my life mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, professionally and relationally.

Choose to be gracious rather than judgmental. When you have encountered grace in your life, you can’t help but be gracious to others. Sin makes you judgmental; God’s undeserving forgiveness makes you gracious. You may struggle with being gracious because you are struggling to accept God’s grace in your own life. It is difficult to be gracious when you can’t accept God’s undeserved forgiveness.

I was a follower of Christ for 29 years before I was able to fully accept God’s amazing grace in my life. Don’t ask me why it took me so long. Let’s say I am a slooooooooow learner.  What I do know is that the day I fully embraced that grace, I changed in amazing ways. One of those ways is that I have learned to be gracious to others before being judgmental.

Choose an attitude of gratitude. Develop the habit of seeing the glass half-full. Learn to look at situations as challenges rather than problems. Look for what you can take from a situation, and use it to become a better person rather than dwelling on the negative.

When you dwell on the negative, it can make you angry, anxious, depressed and bitter. When you focus on the positives, the glass half-full, you become hopeful, positive and see potential.

I have no idea what 2015 will bring your way – or my way for that matter. But I do know you have the power of choice; you choose how you want to face whatever comes your way.

I do know if you will choose to apply the four suggestions I offered you today, you will find that you will have a fulfilling and meaningful year.

Happy New Year!

If you would like help in achieving your goals in any area of your life, call us at 208-880-0307 or email us at errol@errolcarrim.com to schedule a complimentary coaching session. To read Errol’s other posts, visit Christ-Centered Life Coaching.

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