Looking to 2015

large_7081492069As 2014 comes to a close, I imagine you are looking forward to what 2015 holds for you. You may have goals you want to achieve physically, spiritually, financially, professionally, and relationally.

Perhaps you have already set or begun setting those goals. Wherever you may be in the process, let me offer you a few suggestions:

  1. Review the past year. It is important you take some time a look back at how successful you were in achieving your goals during the past year. The emphasis of this review should be on your successes. When reviewing the past, we have a tendency to focus on how we failed rather than succeeded. Celebrate your successes and plan to do more of what you did on a consistent basis to achieve your goals in the coming year.
  2. Begin with the end in mind. You should have a fairly clear picture of what success looks like for your goals. Simply wanting to lose weight is not a clear goal. Having a target of losing 20 pounds is a clear goal.Many of us have failed to achieve goals in the past because our goals were vague or overly generalized. A clear, specific goal helps us to be realistic when crafting a plan of action. A clear goal also makes it easier to measure progress and to manage the process of achieving it.
  3. Accountability is essential. Too often we set goals and fail to achieve them because we lack accountability. Accountability creates expectations and expectations provide motivation. When you know that someone else knows what you are trying to achieve and will hold you accountable, it goes a long way in motivating you to achieve your goals. The reality is that far more people achieve their goals when they are held accountable than those who try without accountability.
  4. Review your goals frequently. Avoid the mistake of setting goals and never reviewing them. Frequently reviewing your goals gives you the opportunity to make necessary adjustments to help you achieve your goals. Frequently reviewing your goals also keeps you from abandoning them altogether. When you wait too long to review your goals – especially when you are struggling to achieve them – you are more likely to discard them.
  5. Get the support you will need to achieve your goals. Setting goals without having the right support in place to help you achieve them is setting yourself up for failure. If your goal is to save money or pay off debt, a means of support is to take a class in financial management and budgeting. If your goal is to lose weight and get healthy, you may need to join a gym or become part of a group that is working toward the same goal. The point is, whatever the goal you set, you are more likely to achieve it if you have the necessary support.

As you set your goals for 2015, I want to challenge you to apply these five suggestions to the process. If you take the time to apply them, you may find that 2015 will be a rewarding and successful year for you.

If you need help in working through the process of setting your goals for 2015, I will be happy to give you a complimentary coaching session to help you. Please do not hesitate to contact me to set up your session.

I pray 2015 will be an amazing year for you in every way.

If you would like help in achieving your goals in any area of your life, call us at 208-880-0307 or email us at errol@errolcarrim.com to schedule a complimentary coaching session. To read Errol’s other posts, visit Christ-Centered Life Coaching.

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