Scrap the Command and Control

7296928208_b8bc30183e_zLeadership in this 21st century is less about command and control, and more about healthy relationships and the ability to listen well, asking deeper more meaningful questions with the aim of bringing out the best in those you lead. People are no longer interested in working for leaders whose approach is the old command and control style. “The old models of ‘command and control,’ and management having all the answers, are no longer up to the task.”

Is Busy the New Normal?

26697992320_c9886a2717_zIn today’s busy world it is common for you as a leader to think that unless you are crazy busy you are somehow not being effective or normal. Unfortunately, too many of us have bought into the myth that busy is normal or being effective.

I recall a time in my life as a leader when I bought into that myth. I was on call 24/7 and felt I was needed; that gave me a sense of self-worth. In the process, I neglected my family, my health, my spiritual and psychological well-being.

Responding to the Current National Crisis

10303127155_d83b0ea57f_zThe past week has been a difficult one in this nation’s history. As we try to make sense of the chain of events, it’s easy to be confused, especially if we listen to the differing views of so many talking heads.

As a Christian leader, you are faced with a challenge: how do you lead in the midst of such deep social unrest?

I certainly do not have all the answers. However, let me suggest a few things you might do to lead effectively during a time like this.