Who’s Afraid of Mistakes?

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein

“It’s not uncommon to be afraid of making mistakes. We all make mistakes and sometimes the consequences are very unpleasant. That’s why we tend to avoid doing things that can make us fail.SelfGrowth.com

Most of us fear making mistakes. And when we do make a mistake we often try to rationalize it. In reality, mistakes are a part of life. Therefore, we should not live our lives in fear of making mistakes; rather we should learn from them or we run the risk of repeating them. I know this is not easy. Society often encourages us to be flawless, if only in appearance. However, we will make mistakes and hopefully we can learn from them.

How can we learn from our mistakes?

For one thing, when you make a mistake, admit it. By admitting it you are doing two things: you are being honest and you are taking responsibility.

Honesty keeps us from rationalizing. Responsibility keeps us from blaming our mistake on others. Rather than saying, you did not tell me or I didn’t know, it will likely come as a surprise to those around you when you say, “I made a mistake and I take responsibility for it.”

As important as this is, being honest and taking responsibility for your mistake is not enough. You must also examine your mistake to see what you can learn from it.

The point is, when we make a mistake, we should always ask, “What can I learn from this experience?” If you fail to take the lesson learned, you are likely to repeat the mistake.

Accepting your mistakes also helps you to accept your fallibility.

Some folks like to think of themselves as perfect. Others know they are not perfect, but try to present the façade of perfection (or at least the façade of having it all together). But if we acknowledge, accept, and examine our mistakes, we will admit that we are not perfect.

For many of us that is a hard reality to admit, let alone embrace. But when we learn to accept our fallibility through embracing our mistakes, we are freed to live without fear of failing.

Those who embrace their fallibility and overcome their fear of failing often go on to achieve great things. Why? Because fear of failing keeps us from reaching for our dreams.

Are you a prisoner to the fear of failing or are you reaching for your dreams knowing that you will make mistakes along the way?

Do you have difficulty admitting and taking responsibility for your mistakes? Is it because you think you’re somehow perfect, never making a mistake? “Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people,” wrote Anne Lamott in Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life.

Are you afraid that others will think less of you for admitting what you already know to be true? Hopefully, understanding why you are not admitting or taking responsibility for your mistakes will help you be more honest with yourself and others.

Consider this:

The fear of making mistakes can prevent you from trying anything new or moving out of your comfort zone. This is such a terrible waste of your skills and your talents, and robs you from truly enjoying your life. (http://www.life-with-confidence.com/)

If you would like help in achieving your goals as a leader or in any area of your life, call us at 208-880-0307 or email us at errol@errolcarrim.com to schedule a complimentary coaching session. To read Errol’s other posts, visit Christ-Centered Life Coaching.