Influencing with the ‘Why’

All leaders want to know that those they are leading are actually following. Leaders struggle when they think people are following, and in reality, they are not.

In some cases, people may be following because of a paycheck. Others may appear to be following while pursuing their own agenda, such as waiting for the leader to fail so they can take their place. Others may follow out of shared loyalty; they feel they owe the leader for being good to them sometime in the past.

Whatever the reason there is nothing more disheartening for leaders than to think they have followers when in reality they do not.

One way to influence others to follow your lead is to take the time to communicate the “why.” For example, why do you want them to support a particular decision? Or, why should they give their money and time to a particular project? The “why” should always come first.

As a leader, I had one rule before any making changes: always give the “Why” before asking people to change. I found that when people knew and understood the “why,” they were more likely to get behind the change.

People need to understand the “why” for them to follow! When the “why” is lacking, people miss the larger vision and purpose. When the “why” is clear and compelling, communication engages, inspires and motivates. George Ambler

Communicating “why” does much more than merely clarify the reasoning behind a mission or purpose; it shows people they are worth the time and effort it takes to enroll and engage them in the mission or purpose, to persuade them to own it and make it happen. It sends people the unmistakable message that you respect and value them as key contributors in the process of making things happen. When you do this, you boost morale, people take ownership, and everyone’s efforts get supercharged to help them achieve the results you need. Partners in Leadership 

When people have a clear, logical understanding of the “why,” they will be powerfully influenced to follow you. On the other hand, without the right information, achieving the desired outcome is almost impossible.

All successful leaders know that it is critical for their followers to understand the “why” if they want them to get behind whatever they are asking them to do.

Author Simon Sinek has an excellent TED talk on the topic of “why” entitled, How Great Leaders Inspire Action. I strongly suggest you take the time to view it. It will be worth your while. If you have money and more time to invest in learning how to influence those you lead, pick up Sinek’s book, Start with Why.

I know communicating the “why” is not all that is needed to influence others to follow, but it is critical.

Have you been finding it challenging to get those you lead to follow your lead? Maybe it is time to start with, “why.”

If you would like help in achieving your goals as a leader or in any area of your life, call us at 208-880-0307 or email us at to schedule a complimentary coaching session. To read Errol’s other posts, visit Christ-Centered Life Coaching.