5 Key Factors to Having the Right Influence on Those You Lead

keys blueLast week we looked at two ways a leader can influence her followers. One is by the use of power, authority and the control of the resources that come with leadership. The other way is by letting them know and feel respected, valued and trusted.

The latter way of influencing is far more difficult to achieve but far more rewarding both for the leader and the followers. When people feel trusted, respected and valued by their leaders, they will be motivated to do their best work.

Let us look at some key factors that are necessary to have the kind of influence that will motivate your followers to do their best work.

Be Self-aware. Before you can relate to others in a healthy way, you must know who you are. As a leader you need to have knowledge of what motivates you, what upsets you, what energizes you and what drains your energy? What are your strengths and what are your challenges. Taking both Strengthsfinder and Myers-Briggs assessments, and being coached on what these mean to you as a leader can be very helpful in gaining self-awareness.

To gain and maintain a genuine sense of self, it also is helpful to be part of an accountability group, or to have one or two people in your life who do not need anything from you and who can be honest with you.

Be a Good Listener. Learning to be a good listener is crucial in gaining the trust of others and making them feel and know that they are valued. Listening is more than hearing words, it involves setting aside your need to give answers and trying to understand exactly what the other person is saying. Asking questions for clarification and giving feedback on what you hear are essential to being a good listener. Sometimes as you are listening in earnest, you will find the best ideas coming from those you are leading.

Be Open to Change. This could be a challenge for many leaders. Sometimes you may have the plan for a project and think it the best. You are ready to move forward because you have spent a lot of time and energy preparing it. Then during discussion with those you lead, some observations are made that will require you to change your plans. The reasons could be all valid and possible pit-falls, but you as the leader will have a tough time making those adjustments if you are not open to change. Think of it this way, you will not always be 100 percent correct, therefore, always be open to change.

Be Respectful at all Times. This can be done in several ways. Never trivialize a person’s point of views. Give everyone a time to share their views on a matter. And avoid interrupting or cutting people off when they are sharing.

When you hear something that concerns you about someone you are leading, make it a matter of policy that you talk with person next before talking to anyone else. The person will feel valued and respected by you and will respect you for coming to them.

A simple thing as being on time for your appointment conveys respect to the other person.

Keep Your Promises. As a leader, it is sometimes very easy to promise more than you can deliver. If you said you would follow up on a matter by a certain date, do it. If you cannot keep a promise you made because of circumstances beyond your control, let your followers know before they have to ask.

Schedule your appointments far enough apart so they don’t run into each other and you can’t keep your promise of being on time. How many times have you arrived late for an appointment and had to leave it early because you were running late for your next appointment?

Whether it is an appointment or getting something done by a certain date, keeping your promises will convey to your followers that you value and respect them.

Influencing those you lead and motivating them to do their best work will require you to be intentional in knowing who you are, being a good listener, being open to change, being respectful at all times and keeping your promises. It is hard work. But the result will far outweigh the effort you invest.

As you read today’s post, which of the five key factors to influencing are you good at and which do you need to improve upon? I encourage to share your answer with another leader and see how you can help each other to better influence those you lead.

If you would like help in achieving your goals in any area of your life, call us at 208-880-0307 or email us at errol@errolcarrim.com to schedule a complimentary coaching session. To read Errol’s other posts, visit Christ-Centered Life Coaching.

Photo credit: just.Luc / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA