Responding to the Current National Crisis

10303127155_d83b0ea57f_zThe past week has been a difficult one in this nation’s history. As we try to make sense of the chain of events, it’s easy to be confused, especially if we listen to the differing views of so many talking heads.

As a Christian leader, you are faced with a challenge: how do you lead in the midst of such deep social unrest?

I certainly do not have all the answers. However, let me suggest a few things you might do to lead effectively during a time like this.

Speak directly to the issue with your people. The reality is that this current situation affects all of us. And you cannot go on with business as usual, even if what is happening is far away from you. With social media, nothing is far from you anymore. Your followers are all thinking about it; they too have opinions about what is happening. So to not address it directly is to actually ignore what is of concern to you followers. Help your followers to deal with it by talking about it.

Make it a matter of focused prayer. As a Christian, you know that what we are up against are not bad people, but the power of the enemy at work in our world. The only One able to defeat the enemy is God. Therefore, before responding, turn to the One who is able to guide you on how best to respond. You will know how He wants you to respond as you seek Him in fervent prayer.

Call your followers to a time of prayer, asking God for wisdom on how to respond, and to bring healing and comfort for those who are hurting. The answer for dealing with the current situation will not be found in politicians or special interest groups. The only answer to overcoming evil is to turn to the One who has the power over evil: God.

Grace must be what defines you and those you lead. As a Christian, you become the means of grace to the world. There is enough anger and fear driving the current social unrest. What are needed are greater expressions of God’s grace to help overcome the fear and anger that is so prevalent at the moment.

Paul, in 2 Cor. 5:18 –20, tells us that God brought us back to himself through Christ and has now given us the responsibility of reconciling others to Him. We are now Christ’s ambassadors and God is making His appeal through us.

We have to see others as Christ sees them and treat them as Christ would treat them – with love and grace regardless of their race, gender, ethnic background or political views.

Avoid passing judgment on others because they are acting or thinking in ways different from you. Try not to judge the motives of people. Instead, find ways to offer grace in being kind to all. Our responsibility as ambassadors of Christ is to help people be reconciled to God. We do that by showing grace and love to all. Anytime we are not doing such, we cease to be ambassadors for Christ.

These are very difficult days in our country and as a leader you cannot ignore the tensions that exist. Step up and speak directly to what is happening, and give your followers Christ-like guidance on how to respond. In Christ’s kingdom, to whom much is given, much is required.

If you would like help in achieving your goals in any area of your life, call us at 208-880-0307 or email us at to schedule a complimentary coaching session. To read Errol’s other posts, visit Christ-Centered Life Coaching.

Photo credit: BostonCatholic via / CC BY-ND