What’s Your Motivation?


Remember those Capital One commercials that end with, “What’s in your wallet?” I’m not planning to ask you that question, but how about this one: “What’s in your heart?” In other words, what motivates you to make the choices you make and do the things you do?

 Whether or not you are aware of it, or whether or not you chose to acknowledge it, something motivates every choice you make. You are motivated to observe the speed limit when you see a police cruiser parked off to the side of the road and an officer with a speed gun trained on you.

 On vacation one summer I was jogging when I came upon a snake. You have to understand: I have phobia for snakes. I saw the snake from a distance but I couldn’t tell if it was just lying there, dead, or crossing the path. All I remember was turning around and running as fast as I could. You see, because of my fear and phobia of snakes, I was motivated to run as fast as I could and not stop until I returned to my hotel room.

 What motivates you to be the person you are?

Some people are motivated by a need to be needed, while others are motivated by a need to feel superior to others and be in control. And there are those who are motivated by a sincere desire to be the best they be can for God, for themselves, and for others. This week let’s consider the first focus:

 Be the best you can be for God.

 Hopefully we all try to live with a sincere desire to be and do our best for God. Of course, this does not come without challenges. You know that God loves you but that’s not always easy to embrace since you may not even know what it means to be loved. God gave His best in His Son Jesus Christ who died on a cross because He loves you.

The best you can be for God means to live your life to honor Him in response to that love. It means seeking to put God first – always. Your life’s goal should be to bring honor to Him in every area of your life.

 In the words of Oswald Chambers, “Remain faithful to your Friend, and remember that His honor is at stake in your bodily life.”

 Paul reminds us in 2Cor.5:20 that we are God’s Ambassadors representing Him here on earth. When others look at your life do they see God at work in you?

 Are you being the best you can be for God with your time, your money, your relationships, and your responsibilities?

 Take some time today and examine your motives in these areas of your life. If you are not intentionally trying to honor God in any one of these areas, would you ask Him to help you start doing so today?

 Perhaps you need some help figuring out how to honor God in a particular area of your life. Either give us a call at 208 880 0307 or email errolcarrim@gmail.com for a complimentary coaching session.

 Next week we will look at being the best you that you can be for your own sake.

 Illustration by Frits Ahlefeldt-Laurvig