The Best You Can Be to Others

help othersWhat’s Your Motivation Part 3

Seeing the best in others and treating them with respect and dignity regardlesPreview Changess of their color, race, gender, or socioeconomic status begins with how you view yourself.

If you think yourself superior to others then that is exactly how you will treat them. However, if you think everyone is better than you, then you will interact with them accordingly.

On the other hand if you begin with the understanding that you are fearfully and wonderfully made by God and unconditionally loved by Him, then you will view others in the same way.

Being the best you can be to others begins from within as a reflection of your beliefs and values.

Value others. Being the best to others starts with acknowledging their value. This value can be based solely on the fact that they, like you, are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Accepting this is what leads you to be kind and loving to others, because you see in them the same value you see in yourself.

Jesus taught this principle in Matt. 22:36-39 when He said we should love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Jesus taught that we must love God first, self second, and then others. Anyone who does not first see the value in him/herself can value another person.

Always look for the good in others. I learned this principle from a missionary who was once my teacher and later became my colleague. When a person’s shortcomings or poor characteristics were being highlighted, without fail she would highlight the good about the person.

You must give others the benefit of the doubt rather than casting judgment. Learn to ask questions and get to know others rather than distancing from them and devaluing them.

Jesus’ admonition in Matt. 5:44 is to love our enemies. In other words do not judge them by what they have done to us, but love them for who they are as God’s creation and the potential for good they have.

Always look for the good you can do for others. When you love your neighbor as yourself, opportunities will always arise to do good for others. A word of caution: do not always assume you know what good you should do for someone. Take the time to know them and understand their circumstances; then let them tell you what you can do.

Doing good for others with no other motivation than the value you see in them as God’s creation is the best motivation of all. You are not seeking recognition, thanks, or repayment.

Jesus tells us in Luke 6:31, “Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.” (NASB)

In striving to be the best you can be for others, begin with a solid foundation:

  • Recognize each person’s value as God’s creation.
  • Treat them as you would like to be treated.
  • Look for the good you can do for others.

Are you struggling with or uncertain of your motivation? Take the time to examine your motivation. If your motivation is not to be the best you can be for God, yourself, and others, you will find it difficult to live and lead effectively with purpose and passion.

If you are finding it difficult to identify what motivates you, or if you do not like what motivates you, give us a call at 208-880-0307 or email us at to set up a complimentary coaching session to help you clarify your motivation.
photo credit: Ed Yourdon via photopin cc